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a word on art

A special visitor to the Gallery in the Granary Garden

Fresh air and open spaces are very important to all of us at the moment. The joy of being an ‘en plein air’ painter is the time that can be spent outside enjoying our wonderful natural and built world. We were very excited to welcome Peter van Breda to our gallery in the garden at home.

Peter wanted to get back to some painting outdoors and so made the most of the chance to use our garden to paint in. He was also able to have some time in Stamford to revel once more in the wonderful charm of the town and how the light plays across the stones of the fine houses.

The third and most important part of his trip was to visit a wonderful client’s garden and to be able to undertake some sketches and small paintings of her beautiful grounds and house in order to begin a commission for her of a view of the house. From the sneak peak we took of the work he had done, this is really going to be a lovely painting.

If you have spent recent weeks at home thinking about a personal painting of your house and garden then do get in touch with us at the gallery and we can help you grow some magic!


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